A slow December
One way to think about December: countdown until the winter solstice when the dark is at its darkest, when the sun is tilted furthest away from the earth. Moving towards deep winter. When not much is growing and nature has paused - leaves fallen, everything gone to ground, resting now to emerge refreshed further down the line. Do you notice your energy is lower at this time of year? That you feel a call to hibernate? Do you listen to it?
When I was younger I remember how the women in my family would collapse on the sofa after Christmas, no doubt exhausted from pushing through all December, standing in endless queues for endless present lists and staying up late to wrap them all, going to parties or catering and hosting them and coordinating the massive feat that is cooking a huge family feast on the day (and working out "what everyone will eat" on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day etc as well). All this during the month when we would probably get more from doing less than any other.
These days I am glad that I have had the choice to simplify now I have my own family, and am determined not to end the year feeling depleted. The in-between time after Christmas and before New Year was always my favourite, when everything seemed to slow down and there was no pressure to do much. Finally, our behaviour matching the season. I remember lying in my room listening to music, or reading a book, or making a list of things I wanted to create the next year. I thought the other night, imagine if I could feel like that now, and throughout December? There's something delicious about going against the grain, slowing down when everything around us is speeding up - ending the year feeling energised would feel pretty great.
We've probably all got a fair amount booked in and times are certain to be busy, but now more than ever, finding times (even micro-moments) for peace + stillness can get us through the month feeling better and not worse. What can we cancel, let go of, say no to? What standard can slip, who can you delegate to, when can you say yes to the offer of help? What 10 minute window can see you lying down, or hiding in your bedroom and listening to a song you used to love? When we slow down the voices of stress, overwhelm and anxiety get quieter and the story changes. Time to take charge of how we feel. It's smart to copy what nature is doing outside the window - we feel more in tune, more connected.
Happy December to you. I hope it's merry and calm and bright.