online circles

Holding Place is an online circle every 6 weeks, inspired by the Celtic wheel of the year and curated with creativity, care and curiosity in mind.

What happens in a session?

We meet on Zoom for 90 minutes in the evening and I bring things for you to absorb - readings, meditations, gentle breath and somatic (body) practices, writing prompts and space for sharing, questions or silence.

This is unhurried time to land, write, listen and speak. Things usually proceed like this:

  • start with a short grounding practice

  • short teachings on the Celtic wheel

  • responding to journalling prompts

  • an invitation to share your thoughts or experiences in a supportive circle

  • a meditation or yoga nidra to end

Why the Celtic Wheel?

Copyright Danielle Barlow

We use the Celtic wheel of the year as our guide to allow us to draw on the wisdom available to us from the natural world. The wheel is made up of 8 festivals which mark the four major solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the halfway points between them. Observing associated teachings, traditions and stories from the Celtic wheel allows us to tap into themes and ideas around the changing of the seasons and natural cycles and energies of activity and rest, dark and light, masculine and feminine and how they apply to us and our lives.

I loved it, just what I needed today. It was brilliant and I can’t wait for the next.
— Emma

What’s the vibe of the sessions?

Relaxed! You’re warmly invited to join me from a cosy spot in your home with a cup of tea, a notebook and a blanket. Each part of the session is an invitation, there’s nothing that’s mandatory.

You can show up just as you are, camera on or off, wanting to speak or just to listen. It’s a gorgeous group of intelligent and open-hearted humans, and you’ll be welcomed warmly.

Sessions are recorded with access available for a month afterwards. 

How do I join?

Sign up to my Substack account as a paid subscriber (just £5 a month or £50 a year). This gets you access to all Holding Place sessions, the full archive of my work and 3-4 pieces of writing a month for paid subscribers only.

Thank you for tonight, Chloe! I’m feeling so calm and recharged now.
— Christina

Dates for 2024

We’ll meet on the following dates, on Tuesday evenings for around 90 minutes:

  • 30 January (Imbolc - first day of spring)

  • 19 March (Ostara/Easter)

  • 30 April (Beltane/May Day)

  • 18 June (midsummer/summer solstice)

  • 30 July (Lughnasadh/first harvest)

  • 17 September (Autumn Equinox/Mabon)

  • 29 October (Samhain/All Hallows)

  • 10 December (Winter Solstice/Yule)

Thanks so much for this gathering last week Chloe. I really got a lot out of it and it has stayed with me since. Looking forward to the next one.
— Annie